Greece: Amazon invests in...

Amazon has announced plans to power its operations in Greece with three new...

Romania: R.Power secures €15...

Developer and independent power producer (IPP) R.Power has been awarded €15 million (approximately...

Montenegro: EPCG to procure...

Montenegro’s state-owned electric utility, Elektroprivreda Crne Gore (EPCG), announced plans to launch a...

Bulgaria approves 8.42% electricity...

Bulgaria's Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (EWRC) has approved an average electricity price...

Tag: corruption

Bulgaria, IBEX to include special anti-corruption clause in its agreements

Independent Bulgarian Energy Exchange (IBEX) said that it entirely supports creating a corruption intolerant environment through honest behavior (integrity) and compliance with the laws...

Romania: Illegal state aid to EC Oltenia

Last week, Minister Popescu said that that the Government prepared a new restructuring plan of EC Oltenia, which is well received by the European...

Slovenia: Criminal liability of Petrol’s former management confirmed by audit

Based on the decision of Petrol’s Assembly of 12 December last year, BDO Revizija reviewed thirty transactions over one million euros concluded between 1...
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