Electric Power Industry of Montenegro (EPCG) announced the tender for acquisition of 1.32 million megawatt hours of missing amount of electricity for the next year. EPCG divided the requested amount of electricity into two parties, and bids may be submitted for the first or the second party, or the entire amount.
Head of the sector for management in production and trading of electricity of EPCG Momir Grbovic, said earlier that Montenegro needs 30 percent more electricity on annual level. He said that this year the company had to spend € 5 million for the extra electricity imports caused by major droughts.
 ‘EPCG will have to obtain additional 80 gigawatt hours for the last quarter’, said Grbovic.
Tender may also contain only part of the required amount of electricity in certain parties, and within each party bidder may submit an offer for electricity supply with a minimum output of five megawatts.
EPCG explained that the offer should consist of qualification documentation, in other words – evidence of the eligibility of the bidder and its references, as well as the financial aspect, which means the bank’s guarantee of two percent of the bid as a guarantee that it remains at 20 days of opening.
The financial part of the offer should also include a bank’s letter of intent acceptable to EPCG on giving guarantee to a bidder, or its statement that in the case of assigning the contract they will issue a guarantee for good performance or five percent of the total bid value.
Everyone who purchases the tender documents may submit their bids by October 7th until 11 a.m. Bids will be opened an hour later.
The criteria for selection of the most favorable bidder will be the lowest price available. The selected bidder will have to deliver power in the limits of the power system of Montenegro. The participants of the tender, as he adds, will be notified of the outcome by 22 October.