Renewable energy sector in Serbia is quite developed, considering the big delay in start due to different reasons.
More than 10 wind energy projects started development in different parts of the country, in total around 1000 mw are in different phases. Big and small hydro projects are also in different phase of development, in total planned 1000 MW including both private and state initiatives.
The interest of investors, companies from all over world is increasing for Serbia: for wind, hydro,biomass and solar projects. Companies like Secci Italy, RWE Inoggi Germany, REV Canada and others already came into Serbia and established their market footprint.
Local initiatives are not lacking also, small hydro projects are being developed in different areas. Biogas facilities and projects are also known in Serbia.
All bigger projects in RES arena but also a great number of smaller projects are confirming the long lasting competitiveness of Serbia in RES and green energy investments.
Serbia Energy monitors the news, projects, ventures and opportunities in RES sector. We completed several briefs and reports on latest RES market situation which confirms the big interest of different companies for this market within SEE regional market.
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