Romania: Natural gas prices...

On 10 February, natural gas prices on Romania's day-ahead market, operated by the...

Romania: Tuzla-Podisor gas pipeline...

The inauguration of the Tuzla-Podisor gas pipeline marks a significant milestone, with nearly...

Romania: Retele Electrice invests...

In 2024, Retele Electrice Romania, part of the PPC group, invested 240 million...

Montenegro: Household electricity bills...

In January 2025, the average electricity bill for households in Montenegro amounted to...

Tag: trade

Romania: Hidroelectrica valued at 9.4 billion euros

The initial public offering (IPO) of Romanian hydropower company Hidroelectrica was priced at RON 104 per share, which is in the upper half of...

Serbia: Why does the Hungarian MVM dominate over Srbija Gas in the new joint venture?

  The fact that the Public Company „Srbijagas“ is a minority owner in the new joint Serbian-Hungarian company MVM with 49 percent ownership (just like...

Albania: 100 million euro loan for energy reforms

The Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure signed a loan agreement with the German Development Bank (KfW) and the French Development Agency (AFD) for assistance...
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