Europe: Gas prices stabilize...

During Week 10 of 2025, European gas prices initially continued their downward trend,...

Region: SEE electricity market...

In the tenth week of 2025, electricity prices across Southeast Europe (SEE) dropped...

Montenegro: Average household electricity...

The average electricity bill for households in Montenegro in February 2025 was 41.03...

North Macedonia: Day-ahead electricity...

In February 2025, the volume of electricity traded on North Macedonia's day-ahead electricity...

Tag: substation

SEE Region: Second Greece-Bulgaria interconnection enters testing period

400 kV high-voltage overhead transmission line between Greece and Bulgaria has been energized and its 72-hour testing period has started, Bulgarian electricity transmission system...

Romania: Subsidiary of Enel Romania to invest 10 million euros in distribution network

Romanian electricity distributor E-Distributie Banat, a subsidiary of Enel Romania, announced that it has invested around 4.8 million euros in the construction of a...

Romania, Transelectrica announced it completed the modernization of the Hasdat substation

Romanian electricity transmission system operator Transelectrica announced it completed the modernization of the 220/110 kV Hasdat substation in Hunedoara county, an investment of more...

Macedonia, Construction of 400/110 kV substation in Ohrid has started

The Government of North Macedonia announced that the construction of 400/110 kV substation in Ohrid has started, which marks the first step in the...

Slovenia: New 400 kV switchyard testing in Cirkovce

Slovenian electricity transmission system operator ELES launched reconstruction and upgrade of Cirkovce substation within the framework of constructing the new double-circuit 400 kV overhead...

Romania: Domnesti substation modernization completed

The modernization project of the 400/110/20 kV Domnesti substation, is 95 % completed and the upgraded substation should be commissioned by the end of...
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