Greece: Amazon invests in...

Amazon has announced plans to power its operations in Greece with three new...

Romania: R.Power secures €15...

Developer and independent power producer (IPP) R.Power has been awarded €15 million (approximately...

Montenegro: EPCG to procure...

Montenegro’s state-owned electric utility, Elektroprivreda Crne Gore (EPCG), announced plans to launch a...

Bulgaria approves 8.42% electricity...

Bulgaria's Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (EWRC) has approved an average electricity price...

Tag: ATR

Romania: Only 10-15% of RES projects to be completed

Of the total number of renewable energy projects that have obtained the grid connection technical approval (ATR), only 10-15% will materialize and produce electricity,...

Romania: OX2 obtained the connection approval for a 290 MW wind farm

The South Wind SRL company received last month a technical approval for connection (ATR) for a large-scale wind farm, of almost 290 MW, which...

Romania: Romgaz to buy mature solar and wind projects

Romanian gas company Romgaz seeks to buy solar parks and/or wind farms with a production capacity between 35 MW and 100 MW, according to...

Romania: OX2 plans 572 MW wind projects

The wind projects developed by OX2 in Romania are progressing in all key phases. The Swedish company holds the technical connection to the grid...
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