Copelouzos Group accelerates 4.2...

The Greek Copelouzos Group is fast-tracking the development of its 4.2 billion euro...

Greece: Domestic gas consumption...

According to data from Greece's natural gas transmission system operator, DESFA, domestic gas...

Croatia: CROPEX sets record...

CROPEX' intraday continuous market set a new record on 13 January 2025, with...

Bulgaria sees growth in...

In 2024, Bulgaria added 938 MW of renewable electricity capacity, building on a...

Tag: overhaul

Romania: Rompetrol completes hydrogen plant modernization

Rompetrol Rafinare has completed the modernisation of the hydrogen power plant at Petromidia Refinery, following an investment of 9.35 million euros. - The project aimed...

Romania: Rompetrol completes hydrogen plant modernization

Rompetrol Rafinare has completed the modernisation of the hydrogen power plant at Petromidia Refinery, following an investment of 9.35 million euros. - The project aimed...

Romania: Delgaz Grid to modernise two transmission lines

Electricity and natural gas distribution company Delgaz Grid plans to modernise its network of high-voltage overhead lines under two projects worth a total of...

Albania: KESH launched a tender for the Koman HPP overhaul

The Albanian energy corporation, KESH, has opened tender for upgrades at a hydropower plant Koman worth an estimated 109 million leks (1 million...

Serbia: Pančevo oil refinery enhanced competitiveness and ecological standards

Professor Dragan Govedarica, from the Faculty of Technology in Novi Sad, highlighted the recently completed overhaul of the Pančevo oil refinery as a significant step forward...

Serbia: Pančevo oil refinery enhanced competitiveness and ecological standards

Professor Dragan Govedarica, from the Faculty of Technology in Novi Sad, highlighted the recently completed overhaul of the Pančevo oil refinery as a significant step forward...
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