Europe: Gas prices stabilize...

During Week 10 of 2025, European gas prices initially continued their downward trend,...

Region: SEE electricity market...

In the tenth week of 2025, electricity prices across Southeast Europe (SEE) dropped...

Montenegro: Average household electricity...

The average electricity bill for households in Montenegro in February 2025 was 41.03...

North Macedonia: Day-ahead electricity...

In February 2025, the volume of electricity traded on North Macedonia's day-ahead electricity...

Tag: tax

Bulgaria: Difficulties in collecting tax on russian gas transit

Bulgaria is prepared for difficulties in collecting a new tax on the transit of Russian gas, a measure that has caused concern about the...

Bulgaria: EC investigates tax on Russian gas

The European Commission is discussing with Bulgarian authorities the introduction of a fee on Russian gas transits. EU sanctions policy towards Russia is designed, reviewed...

Bulgaria imposed tax on Russian gas

Bulgaria decided to impose a tax on Russian gas supplied through the BalkanStream pipeline to central Europe. The new legislation introduces a tax of 10.5 euros...

Europe: Solar industry warns against tariffs on imports

Solar power industry has warned policymakers not to impose tariffs on imports, amid fears that disrupting supplies of products from China could seriously damage Europe's ability...

Bulgaria introduces new tax on Russian gas transit

While the country does not import the commodity for its own use, it is a transit hub for supplies entering the commodities Bulgaria has imposed...
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