Romania: Day-ahead electricity price...

The average price of electricity on the day-ahead market of the Romanian energy...

Montenegro: EPCG advances plans...

Montenegro’s state-owned power utility, EPCG, has initiated the preparation of a feasibility study...

Greece: Great Sea Interconnector...

The Greece-Cyprus electricity interconnection project, known as the Great Sea Interconnector, has been...

Croatia: HEP launches tender...

Croatian state-owned power utility HEP has issued a tender for the design of...


SDAC to remove second auction starting January 2025: Streamlining the day-ahead market process

The decision to remove the second auction from the Single Day-ahead Coupling (SDAC) process, effective from 29 January 2025, reflects the evaluation of its...

Croatia: Record volume on CROPEX Day Ahead Market – 41.606,9 MWh

At the day-ahead auction held on 30th November 2023 for the delivery of energy on 1st December, the total volume on the day-ahead market...

SEE region: Investigation of partial decoupling conducted

During the market coupling process on October 28, a technical issue led to a partial decoupling. Interconnectors that experienced issues leading to decoupling from...

Croatia, Volume at CROPEX DAM 5.59 TWh in 2022.

The volume of trade on the Croatian day-ahead market in 2022 was 5,590,392 MWh, which is 6 percent less compared to 5,967,193 MWh in...

Region, Harmonized maximum clearing price for SDAC set at +5,000 euros per MWh

The harmonized maximum clearing price for SDAC (Single Day Ahead Coupling) will increase by 1,000 euros per MWh, the operators of the exchanges included...

Region: Maximum clearing price for SDAC set at 4,000 euros per MWh

On the trading day of April 3, 2022, for delivery on April 4 at 8 and 9 o'clock, high prices were recorded in France....
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