Romania: Natural gas prices...

On 10 February, natural gas prices on Romania's day-ahead market, operated by the...

Romania: Tuzla-Podisor gas pipeline...

The inauguration of the Tuzla-Podisor gas pipeline marks a significant milestone, with nearly...

Romania: Retele Electrice invests...

In 2024, Retele Electrice Romania, part of the PPC group, invested 240 million...

Montenegro: Household electricity bills...

In January 2025, the average electricity bill for households in Montenegro amounted to...

Tag: revitalization

Serbia: 300 MW unit of RHPP Bajina Basta back online

One generator of the reversible hydropower plant “Bajina Basta” is back in operation, following a major overhaul of the input-output system, the revitalization of...

Serbia: Tender for revitalization of Vlasina hydropower plants to be concluded in summer

During the upcoming summer months, the tender process for the reconstruction of the Vlasina Hydro Power Plants is expected to conclude, along with the finalization of...

EBRD to lend 67 million euros for revitalization of Vlasinske HPP

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has published the general procurement notice about the project of the reconstruction and rehabilitation of the...

Serbia: Revitalization of HPP “Đerdap 1” successfully ended

In total, more than 180 million euros were invested in this project The Minister of Mining and Energy Dubravka Đedović Handanović said today that "HE...

BiH: EPBiH near financial collapse

The acting management of power utility EPBiH announced that, on the day it took office in August, the company had a loss of 28.2...

Serbia: Revitalization of HPP Đerdap 1 – EPS power increased by 100 megawatts

The revitalization of the "Đerdap 1" hydroelectric power plant has been successfully completed, handover tests are underway and synchronization and inclusion in the power system is...
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