Greece: Wind power capacity...

Greece’s cumulative installed wind power capacity reached 5,355 MW by the end of...

Bulgaria: EBRD lends €50...

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is lending up to €50...

Albania: X One proposes...

Albanian construction company X One has submitted a request to the Ministry of...

Albania: Erseka Solar Park...

The Erseka Solar Park, located near Kolonja in southeastern Albania, has officially begun...

Tag: pollution

Energy Community Treaty violations dig Western Balkan countries deeper into coal hole

“If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging” is an adage that decision-makers in the Western Balkans would do well to heed. This...

Bosnia and Herzegovina: Kopac warns BiH to stop investing in new coal-fired units

Director of the Energy Community (EnC) Secretariat Janez Kopac has warned authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) that they have to stop investing in...

Secretariat opens dispute settlement procedure against Serbia for lack of adoption of a National Emission Reduction Plan

The Secretariat sent an Opening Letter to Serbia to address the incomplete implementation of the Large Combustion Plants Directive. The Directive took effect on...

Another reform of the Electric Power Industry of Serbia announced

Is the reform of the Electric Power Industry of Serbia and Srbijagas delayed, as their efficiency has been expected to increase for years?   Prime Minister...

Bosnia and Herzegovina: BiH will have to introduce CO2 emission fees

Director of the Energy Community (EnC) Secretariat Janez Kopac said that Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) will have to introduce carbon dioxide emission fees for...

Serbia: EIB helps to improve sanitation and sewerage systems in Belgrade

-The EIB has signed a EUR 35m loan to finance the sewerage system of the City of Belgrade, improving living conditions for 170 000 people...
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