Romania: EIB invests 30...

The European Investment Bank (EIB) is allocating up to 30 million euros to...

Montenegro: EPCG announces tender...

Montenegrin state-owned power utility EPCG has launched a tender for the procurement of...

Bosnia and Herzegovina: HPP...

As part of the ongoing construction of the Dabar hydropower plant, planned work...

Bosnia and Herzegovina: FBiH...

The Government of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBiH) has proposed a...

Tag: matra

Hungary: Mining is still a key sector

Although we are in the midst of the energy transition and renewable energy sources are on the rise, the country’s raw material resources must...

Hungary: MVM could build new gas-fired power plants

Hungarian  MVM Group launched a public tender for the construction of combined cycle gas turbine power plants at the Tiszaujvaros and Visonta sites. This...
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