Europe: Gas prices stabilize...

During Week 10 of 2025, European gas prices initially continued their downward trend,...

Region: SEE electricity market...

In the tenth week of 2025, electricity prices across Southeast Europe (SEE) dropped...

Montenegro: Average household electricity...

The average electricity bill for households in Montenegro in February 2025 was 41.03...

North Macedonia: Day-ahead electricity...

In February 2025, the volume of electricity traded on North Macedonia's day-ahead electricity...

Tag: incentive

Croatia announced a tender for market premiums for 607 MW in RES capacity

Croatian energy market operator HROTE plans to hold a public tender aimed at backing the production of electricity from renewable sources through market premiums...

Croatia: Government reduced RES fee for end consumers

The Croatian Government decided to reduce the fee for renewable energy sources, from March 1, by 5% for end electricity consumers and entrepreneurs eligible...

Croatia: HROTE announced new Guarantees of Origin auction

HROTE announced the new Guarantees of Origin auction which will be held on January 25, 2024. On announced auction GOs from wind will be...
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