Europe: Gas prices stabilize...

During Week 10 of 2025, European gas prices initially continued their downward trend,...

Region: SEE electricity market...

In the tenth week of 2025, electricity prices across Southeast Europe (SEE) dropped...

Montenegro: Average household electricity...

The average electricity bill for households in Montenegro in February 2025 was 41.03...

North Macedonia: Day-ahead electricity...

In February 2025, the volume of electricity traded on North Macedonia's day-ahead electricity...
HomeTagsHydrocarbon concessions

Tag: hydrocarbon concessions

Hungary opens tenders for hydrocarbon concessions to boost domestic production

The Hungarian Ministry of Energy has announced the launch of tenders for hydrocarbon concessions in eight areas, aiming to increase domestic hydrocarbon production and...

Romania, NIS to build facilities at its hydrocarbon concessions in Romania

Serbian oil company NIS, majority owned by Russian GazpromNeft, published a tender for the preparation and obtaining of the documentation necessary for the construction...
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