Greece among top 10...

Greece ranks among the top 10 European Union countries with the largest share...

North Macedonia: Pomega to...

US-based Pomega Energy Storage Technologies, a company specializing in lithium iron phosphate (LFP)...

Croatia sees 60% growth...

By the end of November 2024, Croatia had 25,406 solar power plants connected...

Europe must double grid...

Europe needs to modernize its aging electricity grid and double its annual distribution...

Tag: EMS

SEE region: Possible solutions for transmission network challenges

Serbia’s new rules for connecting solar parks and wind farms to the transmission system, operated by Elektromreža Srbije, are a test for both the...

Region: Hungary to join regional electricity exchange ADEX

Directors of the transmission systems of Serbia, Hungary and Slovenia and the European Power Exchange EPEX Spot signed an agreement on the integration of...

SEE region: Serbia, Hungary and Slovenia inked deal to merge their electricity exchanges

The officials from Hungary, Serbia and Slovenia attended the signing of a partnership agreement, within the BlueSky project, on the integration of three electricity...

Serbia: New rules for the connections to transmission network

After months of ironing out the details, Serbia has started applying new legislation that regulates the procedure for connection to the national power grid....

Serbia: EMS announces prequalification call for key energy efficiency project

Serbia’s Transmission System Operator, Elektromreža Srbije, has announced a prequalification call within the framework of the Regional Energy Efficiency Program in the Transmission System...

Serbia: Energy storage to elevate costs of RES projects

Investors in renewable energy sources (RES) in charge in Serbia, with new legal solutions, are imposing the obligation to have storage capacity so that...
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