Europe: Natural gas prices...

European natural gas prices saw a third consecutive day of increases in the...

Region: SEE electricity market...

In Week 51 of 2024, electricity prices in the Southeastern Europe (SEE) region...

Europe: Oil, gas and...

During the penultimate week of December, Brent oil futures for the Front Month...

Europe: Electricity prices drop...

In the penultimate week of the year, European electricity markets saw notable price...

Tag: commisioning

Engineering Energy Finance, transponing investments from planing to commissioning and Owners Engineer supervision

Engineering energy finance is a complex field that encompasses the planning, financing, and implementation of energy projects, from renewable energy installationsto traditional power plants. The transition of investments...

Croatia: Nearly 192,000 GOs were sold on January auction

On guarantees of origin auctions for electricity which were held on January 25, a total of 191,901 guarantees of origin offered by HROTE were...

Romania: New 7.4 MW solar park commissioned

Manufacturer of cooling systems for the automotive industry, RAAL Bistrita, commissioned a 7.4 MW solar power plant. SPP was built by the Swiss nextE...

Romania: Tender for the construction of 450 MW solar power plants launched

The four joint-venture company controlled by Energy Complex Oltenia and OMV Petrom have announced the tender for the construction of four solar power plants...
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