Romania: EIB invests 30...

The European Investment Bank (EIB) is allocating up to 30 million euros to...

Montenegro: EPCG announces tender...

Montenegrin state-owned power utility EPCG has launched a tender for the procurement of...

Bosnia and Herzegovina: HPP...

As part of the ongoing construction of the Dabar hydropower plant, planned work...

Bosnia and Herzegovina: FBiH...

The Government of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBiH) has proposed a...

Tag: boron

Piskanja Boron Project in Serbia part of partnership between Erin Ventures and Temas Resources

Piskanja is located in a historical mining region that has excellent infrastructure for mining including roads, rail, electric power, experienced miners, and is 250...

In Rekovac, Serbia, Jadar Resource found vast mineralisations of borate and lithium

Jadar Resource Limited drilled 8 km widely spaced holes which intersect borate and lithium mineralisation, suggesting a potential for a large-scale mineralisation system. Serbian...

Surprisingly large lithium and boron deposits near Jagodina in Serbia

The Jadar Resources company drilled two maiden holes for a total of 1238.1 metres at the Rekovac lithium and borate project in Serbia and...

Erin Ventures’ boron project in Serbia – field operations resumed

Following the government's decision to cancel the nationwide lockdown introduced in an attempt to mitigate the coronavirus outbreak, Canada's Erin Ventures has said it...

Erin Ventures suspends Piskanja boron project in Serbia due to state of emergency

Due to the nationwide state of emergency caused by the coronavirus outbreak, Erin Ventures, Canada-based mineral exploration and development company has suspended fieldwork on...
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