Romania considers extending energy...

Romanian Minister of Energy, Sebastian Burduja, has announced that the Ministry is considering...

Montenegro: Average electricity bill...

In December 2024, the average electricity bill for households in Montenegro reached 45.86...

Bosnia and Herzegovina: Power...

Bosnia and Herzegovina’s (BiH) electricity distribution and transmission network is set to accommodate...

Romgaz to enter natural...

Romania's state-owned natural gas producer, Romgaz, is preparing to enter the natural gas...

Tag: biogas

Slovenia: Panvita found a strategic partner for its biogas plants

The company Biotera reported to the Agency for the Protection of Market Competition (AVK) the takeover of a 68% stake in company Panvita Ekoteh,...

Montenegro: A biogas power plant to be built at the Možura landfill location

The company Možura plans to build a power plant for the production of electricity from landfill biogas at the Možura landfill location. This is...

Croatia: New Guarantees of Origin auctions announced

ENNA Opskrba d.o.o., ENERGOVIA EOOD I CROPEX announce Guarantees of Origin (GoOs) auctions which will be held on  February 22, 2024. On announced auctions GoOs from...

The Development of Waste-to-Energy Projects in Serbia: Transforming Waste into Renewable Resources

Serbia, like many other nations, is seeking sustainable and environmentally friendly solutions to waste management. In recent years, the development of waste-to-energy projects has...

Hungary: MOL completed the acquisition of a biogas power plant

Hungarian MOL Group completed the acquisition of the Szarvas biogas power plant, following approval from the National Competition Authority. MOL aims to expand its...

Serbia: The Plan for the incentive system for the use of renewable energy sources for the period 2023-2025 was adopted

The Government of Serbia adopted the Plan for the incentive system for the use of renewable energy sources for the period 2023-2025. The plan is...
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