The working group will work on improving the legislative framework for biogas, determining the potential and benefits that biogas offers to energy sector and based on that provide recommendations to the Government regarding the adoption of strategic documents, policies and measures, as well as cities and municipalities to start production and use of biogas in their environments according to the principles of the circular economy.
Representatives of relevant Ministries, Energy Institute Hrvoje Pozar, HERA, HROTE and several universities will participate in the work of this group. Immediately after the establishment, an initial meeting of the working group was held, the main goal of which was to determine priority activities that will use all the benefits offered by biogas, which have so far been focused only on electricity production.
Head of the biogas group within RES Community of the Chamber of Commerce Zoran Alavanja said that additional evaluation of biogas production will open the opportunity to include livestock and agricultural producers in CO2 reduction programs, which will increase their competitiveness. In addition, biogas can play a major role in the decarbonization of traffic. CO2 reduction, biomethane production, green jobs, clean air and water, energy network balancing, farm diversification, organic fertilizer production – all these are the potentials that biogas offers, which are not fully utilized.