Lukoil Neftochim should abandon Russian oil input in stages, under the legislation approved by the Bulgarian Parliament. The share of crude oil of Russian origin processed by the refinery should be no more than 80% until the end of 2023, no more than 75% until 31 March, no more than 50% until 30 June and no more than 25% until 30 September. In the meantime, the refinery’s fuel sales should not fall below the average level of the last five whole financial years.
The new legislation gives the green light to start a procedure to appoint a special commercial administrator at Lukoil Neftochim. The special commercial administrator will be appointed by the Council of Ministers at the proposal of the minister of economy and industry following an opinion statement by the Council on Security under the Council of Ministers. The administrator should take over within two weeks of their nomination, for a term of six months.